he screen fades in to reveal a sea of nature... extending as far as the eye
can see. The floor is covered with weeds, grass, and flowers of all kinds,
and to the sides the out brush of trees are seen fighting with nature's
breath, the wind, in an endless battle which neither ever wins. You soon
recognize this as a farm of some sorts... A place of quietness, and rest, and
comfort... A place of peace, and relaxation. A place where one can be to
himself in the lonesome atmosphere and put the worries of everyday life
behind him. The decorations up above are showing signs of the perfect day,
as a few billowy clouds float around aimlessly without the hint of blackness
upon them.
But, even though these surroundings should be bringing you a feeling of joy and a breath of refreshment, an eerie chill suddenly creeps down your spine, shattering any pleasant thoughts you once had about this environment, and filling their places with waves of shear hatred and discomfort. You come to realize that this is a very evil place indeed.
Suddenly, the sound of small children finds its way to your ear. You gaze in all directions, alert, and quick to react to any slight movement. After a second or two of confusion, the sound comes again, and this time you are able to locate the origin... a group of children merrily circling a nearby tree, seemingly not feeling the emotion of hatred that you now have inside of you. Smiles are upon these children's faces, and a smile begins to creep upon your face as well, until you notice the single boy sitting aloft of the group. Sitting alone, with his knees curled up to his chest, his body pressed tightly in a little ball, the child watches the rest dance around the tree with glee, as he slowly begins to feel sorry for himself. The redness around his eyes and streaks down his face show that he was once weeping, but now he just sits there... unknowing.
As you watch these children and try to uncover the mystery to its fullest, you are unaware of the evil eyes watching you... the eyes which caused the feeling of hatred to enter your soul... the eyes which dove right into your heart causing your life to take a drastic turn for the worse from here on out. Now, the feeling of anger grows stronger inside of you, and soon you sense the urge to turn around, as if someone, or something, was behind you. You quickly do so, expecting to see Death itself reaching out for you, but instead, you see a figure off in the distance, dressed in black clothing, with blood red hair streaking down his forehead, covering his face completely.
Shock absorbs your muscles as you see this figure, and you are unable to move... only watch. The figure stands motionless for what seems to be an eternity, but slowly, takes a step... in the direction of the children. You regain enough composure to veer your head off in the direction to which this figure is moving towards, and realize that his final goal is to reach the children. You try to warn them, but your voice is cut short from fear, as the figure is within your peripheral vision once again. Now you are able to see both the children and this mysterious being, but are unable to do anything about it. His stride and pace do not falter his movement, as his steps are steady and the same distance apart for each. You stare helplessly as one child around the tree spots this figure and stops in her tracks immediately. The others turn their heads to see what she is staring at and unanimously repeat the girl's actions.
The figure continues his steady pace, and is now at most 30 feet away from the children. When the little girl realizes that the man is still coming, she runs off into the brush screaming for her mother... the rest of the children soon follow. But, the little boy who was sitting alone, does not abort his post... for he does not see this man yet. He looks toward the children who are now far into the distance and wonders what they are running from. He slowly pans his head from left to right, stopping dead on this man, only a few feet away from him now. The child remains motionless, not only out of fright, but of shock. The man stops short within an arms length of the child, and remains motionless as well. Now the trees, which were once howling with the wind, are silent... the weeds and flowers are now unmoving as well, and for a split second it all becomes just a picture. But only for a second... the man suddenly whips his head back, his hair now away from his face... the gruesome sight which you see, now covers up your shock, and replaces it with shear fear. The man's eyes are shut, but the rest of his face is a very pale white, with black circles resting underneath his eyelids. His mouth is resting in an infinite frown, and you can tell that this man has been to the deepest and darkest depths of that which is evil and returned, his soul blackened by the experience.
The small boy remains motionless, but soon begins to shiver, not from the cold, but from fright. You don't seem to notice that the black clouds have begun to roll in, causing a complete overcast. The sight is that of one directly before a thunderstorm. Both the man and the child are still unmoving, and the man's eyes are still closed... but suddenly, a glitch of movement takes place, and the man's eyes are open, revealing his blood-red pigmented pupils. Small flames seemingly leap from his eyes and fall to dust onto the ground... the wind picks up, and carries this dust into the infinite... the child's shivering now becomes a violent seizure, and you witness the unusual as his hair becomes completely white. His shaking become so bad that he falls over, escaping the evil man's glare, and regaining his composure. Lightning and thunder now are present, and a storm is unavoidable. The small child raises to his feet, never again looking directly at the man, and running off in the direction the rest of the children once took. He soon becomes a little dot in the distance, and even that soon disappears into the trees... your gaze now falls back on the evil man, as he still remains motionless, staring at the spot where the child once sat. The wind howls as the man's hair whips back behind him and a streak of lightning flashes across the sky, shooting down at the spot where this man is standing... it strikes, seemingly directly through this man, and a large puff of smoke fills that area. As the smoke begins to clear by the raging winds, you can see that this man is now nonexistent in this plain, and all that was left behind was a large mound of dust which quickly is blown away by the fierce winds. You can't even begin to take this all into your mind and accept it, but the memories will always still be there. A sudden thought fills your brain, but not being exposed to this information ever before, you don't understand how you could know such knowledge. But all you can think about, is the fact that the little child will spend the rest of his life in an insane asylum, and every time he opens his own eyes, those fiery pupils haunt his mind once again, and fill it with pure evil...
Suddenly, a loud ear-splitting noise is heard, and you awaken from the deep sleep that you were experiencing. The noise, you assume, must have been an alarm clock, or actually an exit from the hellish dream you just viewed. Remaining lying down with your eyes closed, you breath a sigh of relief as you DO realize that it was all just a dream. After reassuring yourself of this fact, you rise from your position, but find that your arms cannot separate from the bed. As you pull them harder, it becomes apparent that they are tied down, and due to the rawness of your wrists, they are tied down well. You try to raise your legs, but they are the same way. By now, a worrisome feeling enters your soul, and you open your eyes to view the situation, but instead of seeing a room, all that can be seen are the blood-red eyes of the demon... also known as Death.