Stu�s stories always have a purpose or message; read together they present a life philosophy. King of Shabbos is about faith, or perhaps the restoration of faith.
Some of the dialogue is a little formal, perhaps a bit �preachy� - but this is inevitable given the subject matter.
Yussie�s �I am nothing� speech captures the essence of his self-opinion, seemingly without self-pity. This is developed through dialogue with Rabbi Schwartz.
The clarity with which Yussie views his situation and his life is striking. The way people are judged (or mis-judged) by social status, and external accoutrements is questioned.
The way in which Rabbi Schwartz finds the words to relieve Yussie�s self-loathing, and alter his self-perception is heart warming, even to someone as irreligious as me.
Once again a solid story (or should that be fable?) from Stu.
Reviewed by © Sonia
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