Reviewed by Nicole


Singer is an enchantic story of second chance and choices. Staven and his companion Jerry are foreign traders fighting against a group of hateful men. After a bit of a struggle Staven is forced to flee and meets an expected twist of fate. Added by a beautiful surreal woman, Lyraden, Staven is given a second chance in life.

I enjoyed this piece very much. Given a slightly humourous slant in Stavens' dark moments, Singer places the reader in the thick of the situation- the fight, the crystal cavern and the gateway. Especially wonderful was the description of the cavern. Although the outcome of this piece was in all senses happy, there is a brief twinge of sadness in the romantic of us all that Lyraden and Staven were not able to stay together. Maybe we will see this short story expanded to Stavens' further adventures?

Story by � AC Gifford

Reviewed by � Nicole

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