The Totonto Affair
As sci-fi stories go this one has a great basic premise and gets you caught up in the story and main character quickly. It moves along well with little time to wonder about what will happen next. When I read Josh's story I could picture John Wayne as the main character Dr. Chapman.
The story draws well on the marines various emotions and reactions to the insanity of what was going on around them. Having friends who served in Vietnam, one served three tours there and was wounded several times, I can see many similiarities between what they experienced and what the stories characters go through.
For a writer who is young this is quite an accomplishment. Many struggle for years and aren't able to enter the characters' emotional state as well.
One curious thing struck me was the odd mixture of newer weapons, i.e., machine pistol and rocket launcher, with an older weapon, gattling gun. Of course it is sci-fi and there's no reason why someone couldn't use it.
Overall this is a good story which is wrapped up a little too tidy at the end. Wouldn't the government want one of the specimens of the creatures to study so as to prepare if there were more elsewhere?
Josh, a good story nonetheless. These minor points don't detract significantly from the enjoyment of the story. Sci-fi fans will find a good quick read. Nice job.
Reviewed by © Gary
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