always felt a moral obligation, to preach to my children. Perhaps they would note my
sound words of wisdom, those kind of words that would make a difference in their lives.
My daughter Stephanie, 13 years young and ready to conquer the world, always seemed
impressed by my lessons. She told me of friends who were friends, and friends who were
enemies. I explained to her that people can live like heaven or hell on earth, depending on
their perspective.
My first example was an old bible like tale I told her on the way to Pathmark, our local supermarket, where we would try to give away our 6 week old puppies. Three men sat on each side of a picnic table trying to eat. They were arguing, name calling, and in general, very upset with one another. The half squinting eyes and migraine headaches added to their displeasure. See, the hunger pains they suffered inflamed everything. All 6 men had large spoons, whose handles were longer than a meter in length. Oh how they tried to eat while holding the spoon at ridiculous angles hoping that a drop or two would fall into their months. Only their own stomachs were the concerns so with all the disgust of hunger, they all lived like hell on earth.
My daughter realized that that was half of the example and waited for the next part. I continued that 6 men on the same picnic table with the same long spoons were happy, laughing, and well fed. No they could not feed themselves, but because of perspective, they simply fed one another. The long spoons worked perfectly for feeding thy neighbor across the table. Being well fed because they only cared about one another, caused these people to live like heaven on earth.
My stories where interrupted when we arrived at Pathmark. All kids and puppies out. My daughter was happy knowing she picked the best time of day to give away our 6 little darlings. Saturday, noon, was the day and time when the store would be packed. Men, women, and children would all be ready to walk away with a free puppy. My daughter asked the first lady she saw, �would you like a puppy�? The middle aged lady grabbed hard and pulled her 7 year old boy away saying, �we are in a rush, I have to get groceries, run errands, cook dinner, and clean up before this evening. Maybe tomorrow�. My daughter tried the next thirty something gentlemen and he replied, �the big game was coming on soon and I just need to grab a case of beer. I�ll stop by later�. Others said much of the same, all were in extreme rushes with important things to do. No time to stop but another time would always be better.
We left Pathmark still having all 6 puppies. My daughter was unhappy not only because she failed at puppy give away ( her Mom promised her one dollar each), but because she noticed how cold, harsh, and calculating people are. I told my daughter, �you�ll get your $6.00 tomorrow, I have a plan�. My daughter was delighted and said, �where�? I said, �Pathmark�. She said, �when�? I boldly said, �5:45 A.M.� She laughed at me knowing that only a few early risers would be there but was still mystified by my plan.
All kids and puppies out, it�s 5:45 A.M. My daughter was still three-quarters a sleep but diligently followed. The first young man that passed I recognized as the local 5k running champion. He already jogged 10k, showered, and was on the way to do the weekly shopping, when my daughter asked him, �to look at the puppies in our box�. He was delighted to take one saying that, �my young girl of 5 is soon to wake up for her birthday present. Little Spot is perfect�. My daughter stood amazed that with so few shoppers, she was on her way to earning $6.00. The next man was a senior who patiently made his way to the market. He despised the rush traffic later in the day and said that those shoppers were, �white trash�. My daughter was amazed to listen to the old man who said that he, �lost poor Estelle after 49 happy years and was looking for a little friend�. When he passed us some 20 minutes later, he had purchased a collar, leash, food, and found something that was missing over the last year, his smile! Although few in number the shoppers snapped up all 6 pups by the time my daughter and I called it a day around noon.
I really was patting myself on the back on the way out and preached to my daughter that those people in the afternoon are living in hell. They have no time, are always last minute, and seem to always be spanking or yelling at their children. They lie to you and make excuses instead of just honestly saying, no thanks. With a different perspective, �look at the morning shoppers�, I continued. Same errands to run but with a more patient approach. These people plan their day, do not waste time, and accomplish most of the goals they make. These people are clearly living like, heaven on earth.
All was clear and we were almost out of the market when my daughter spotted a young lady with about a 12 year old son, giving away precious little kittens. My daughter said, �Dad - please�? I politely nodded to her and faced the young hopeful lady and said, �I would take one but I am running late and have the lawn to mow, need to start cooking the barbecue, paint the kitchen, �.. �
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